Light Notebook

Remind Yourself of Your Mortality

One Year of No Video Games

For years, I spent countless hours playing video games. It was my escape from reality and a way to unwind after a long day at school or work. But eventually, I realized that my obsession with video games was holding me back from achieving my goals and improving my life.

One winter night, I sat alone in my dark room and reflected on my life. It was then that I had a realization: playing video games all day wasn’t helping me achieve my goals. I needed to make a change. So, I decided to take a break from video games for a year.

During that year, my life changed dramatically. I became more productive, aced school, and even started a business. But one of the most significant changes was the improvement in my relationship with my parents.

Before, I was distant from my parents. I would spend hours playing video games, ignoring their attempts to connect with me. But after taking a break from video games, I found myself with more free time. I began to spend that time with my family and friends, doing things like going for walks or simply talking about our lives. As a result, our relationship improved significantly.

By cutting out video games, I had more time and energy to focus on other areas of my life. I took up new hobbies, such as reading and exercise, and found that I was more productive overall. I also discovered that being alone in complete silence was a great way to think clearly and come up with new ideas.

The benefits of taking a break from video games are endless. It’s not just about improving your relationships or becoming more productive, but it’s also about taking control of your life and focusing on what truly matters. If you’re struggling with a video game addiction, I encourage you to take a break and see how it can improve your life.

In conclusion, taking a break from video games for a year was one of the best decisions I ever made. It not only improved my relationship with my parents but also allowed me to focus on my goals and achieve success in other areas of my life. If you’re considering taking a break from video games, I urge you to do it. The benefits are truly life-changing.

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