Light Notebook

Remind Yourself of Your Mortality

Unleash Your Creative Potential

Creativity is a result of cooperation with similar minds. – Austin Kleon

Always Be Prepared: The Power of a Notebook and Pen

Always have a pen/pencil and notebook with you. Just writing down random ideas from my head or the environment helped me come up with multiple post ideas.

I’ve been taking notes for the past year and put them into my notes app. So now when I have a project I can just CTRL + F to find most of the information I need. Most of the ideas for this post were also taken from my notes app.

Creating a Routine for Creativity

  • The worst thing about working a permanent job is that it takes time away from you, but it also gives you a daily routine, so you can schedule a permanent creative activity. Work everyday no matter what. No holidays, no sick days. Sticking to a routine can be more important than excess time. 
  • Inertia is the death of creativity. The solution is very simple: figure out when you can create and stick to your routine. 

Learn from Those You Admire

  • Creative people need time to just sit and do nothing. Some of the best ideas come when you’re bored.
  • If you look deeper into history you’ll notice that most people that are so called “lone geniuses” actually belonged to a group of people who supported each other, copied each other and helped each other 
  • Creativity is people supporting each other, looking at each other’s work, copying from each other, stealing ideas, and contributing ideas.
  • Steal ideas from your ideals: the people you love, the people who inspire you, the people with whom you want to be.


A lot of the ideas I wrote about in this post came from Austin Kleon’s books:

Steal Like An Artist
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